The benefits of a Catholic education are evident all year round, but Catholic schools typically highlight their outstanding academic programs, religious education, and service opportunities during the last week of January when Catholic Schools Week is observed. This nationwide celebration is designed to highlight the advantages of a Catholic education. Now in its 49th year, this year’s celebration takes place from Jan. 29 to Feb. 4.
Typically, during Catholic Schools Week, schools celebrate with Masses, assemblies, and other activities for students, families, parishioners, and community members. It’s also a time for parents to begin to assess their children’s educational enrollment opportunities for the upcoming school year. As such, many Catholic schools host open houses, information sessions, and tours for prospective families who may wish to benefit from a Catholic education.
The benefits of a Catholic school are many. According to the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), which sponsors the national celebration, benefits include higher academic achievement, smaller class sizes, a caring and challenging curriculum that includes the arts and technology, sports programs and clubs that build character and working with others for a common goal, the development of leadership, moral values, respect for self and others, and faith formation.
The 73 Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Newark have been preparing for months for the festivities of Catholic Schools Week with special projects, Masses, and school-wide events for students, families, and staff.
"Each year, Catholic schools across the nation take time to celebrate and highlight the many things that make Catholic schools outstanding,” said Barbara Dolan, Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Newark. “In Catholic schools, we are all learners, servants, and leaders. These shared qualities are what make Catholic schools work. They are what make Catholic schools succeed.”
This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.”
Related: Parents, students, teachers tell us why they chose a Catholic education
“As communities of faith, Catholic schools instill in students their destiny to become saints. Academic excellence is the hallmark of Catholic education intentionally directed to the growth of the whole person – mind, body, and spirit,” according to NCEA. “Finally, service is fundamental to Catholic education and the core of Catholic discipleship. Service is intended to help form people who are not only witnesses to Catholic social teaching but also active participants through social learning.”
The importance of Catholic schools in local, statewide, and nationwide communities is not to be overlooked. Each year since 2018, New Jersey State Governor Phil Murphy has signed a proclamation declaring the celebration of Catholic Schools Week and has lauded Catholic schools for providing “students with quality educational programs which also emphasize the formation of moral values and commitment to community service.” In his 2023 proclamation, Gov. Phil Murphy calls on all residents “to recognize the contribution Catholic schools make to education in our state and commend their faculties, students, and parents for their dedication and devotion to the quality education given to this state’s most precious resource, our children.”
"The Catholic schools of New Jersey represent an investment in New Jersey's future, and the sacrifices made by Catholic school parents save the state's overburdened public school system, and local taxpayers, over $1.3 billion annually," Dr. George V. Corwell, Director of the Office of Education for the New Jersey Catholic Conference, said to the Catholic Star Herald in response to Governor Murphy’s proclamation. "We hope that all residents of New Jersey recognize the dedicated efforts of Catholic school teachers which contribute to the overall success of our schools. Truly, Catholic schools represent a significant opportunity for parental choice in education."
During Catholic Schools Week, special activities are held at Catholic schools and parishes to demonstrate the value of Catholic schools in the community and the Church. This year’s weekly themes include - Sunday: Celebrating Your Parish; Monday: Celebrating Your Community; Tuesday: Celebrating Your Students; Wednesday: Celebrating the Nation; Thursday: Celebrating Vocations; Friday: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers, and Saturday: Celebrating Families.
"Each school has planned special activities to highlight what students are accomplishing and to celebrate the role of Catholic schools in educating tomorrow’s citizens and forming future church leaders,” said Dolan.